
New customers and consumers are what drive your business, and what drives trade shows. If you’re a part of a large trade show, you’ve likely thought about the attendance numbers, ROI, etc. But do you think about the overflow of these busy shows? What happens with those attendees when all of your staff are tied up explaining products and services, or even better, putting in an order!? We’ll tell you what happens. Nothing.

At these big shows, hundreds and thousands of attendees might wander past your booth in a brain overloaded fog while everyone is tied up, never thinking twice. If you’d had a few trade show models stationed at the edges of your booth, especially if you have a large booth, you could catch some of that overflow, and at least get a glance at your brand and booth. Even if a model can’t keep someone talking until an employee is free, they can surely get a badge scanned or take a business card and jot a few notes down for a salesperson. If you don’t want to upgrade and have a product specialist model on site to discuss your company in depth, a trade show hostess can still learn a few basic talking points and get people’s attention. A hostess knows one thing with 100% certainty, YOU WANT LEADS. And trust us, not many people say no to a pretty girl or handsome guy trying to do their job and scan a badge.