In-Store Demo Programs

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Our Niche

We know first hand how important nutrition is, and how difficult it is to fit certain special diet needs. The founder of our company has many food allergies and is very very specific about these things when training staff. We search for others that are passionate about special diets and nutrition as well. Our staff know the importance of maintaining a clean sampling space and are well aware of cross contamination of allergens and how that can affect those sensitive to them. Team Brand Greet is passionate about clean, healthy, organic eating, and about holistic nutrition. We aim to relay this passion to consumers when sampling. We are well versed in many foods and ingredients and we understand that not only do products need to taste good to consumers, they need to benefit them in some way, and it’s our job to share those benefits with them and make them a believer!

These special diets and nutritional knowledge are far from being common knowledge, and we strive to source staff that already have a passion in these things, and cultivate and train them from there. We KNOW this makes a difference out there in the field at events!